Thursday, August 31, 2006


August 2006 Issue Volume 1, Issue 2

+ Writers Guild President Dylan Gozum rants about the apparent lack of interest in creative writing. Read more...

+ While you were not looking, we were having fun. Read more...

+ Our new resident poets show why they’re the people to watch this year. Read more...

+ You wish to discover Manila but don’t have the time? Fret no more. Let Culture Express take you there.

+ Have thoughts, will write.

+ Here’s a reason why missing our workshops is not to your advantage. Read more...

+ Our resident physician does not mince words when she advices. Read more...

+ Why is the indie film Kubrador worth every bet? Read more...

+ The Guild is lending you books. Here's how to borrow.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


"The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page." - Saint Augustine

According to my mother, I learned to be creative in my writing style long before I learned my grammar. I won my very 1st writing award in a most unusual of conditions – I was in Grade 1, I was attending a Chinese school, and my award was “Best in Sentence Construction”. I still am amused by the memory.

In medical school, grammar was set aside in favor of long sentences that described the patient’s conditions. It’s like doing a Jose Saramago – sentences without quotation marks, un-hyphenated or sprouting daisy chains of commas designed to further muddle already-dulled senses. Saramago won the Nobel in 1988. Maybe the Committee should start looking into our patient reports.

Last August 26, we had the honor of having Rica Bolipata-Santos as a guest speaker for our first writing workshop entitled An Introduction to Creative Non-Fiction. She was a most exuberant speaker, a virtual waterfall of jokes and laughter, ideas and brain teasers that just won’t run dry. Out of 52 who enlisted, only 39 showed up. Sadly, even though this 1st of a five series of workshops had success written all over it, the low turnout of attendees from SPi is akin to having rain coming down on our parade. Without trying to sound sour, I daresay that the gains of the 39 who attended are the loss of those who didn’t. Some best opportunities come only once and Ms. Santos is a very busy lady. For now, buying a copy of her new book, Love, Desire, Children, Etc.: Reflections of a Young Wife, is the only way to redeem yourselves.

On a happier note, we are finally launching Project R.E.A.D. (Reading as Exploration And self-Development). I have always loved books – we all do, I am sure – and it’s a waste to see books lying about after the first read. We are happy to have friends who have opened their private libraries to us and have their books lent to SPi employees to read and enjoy. We owe them our deepest appreciaton for their generosity.

It has been said many times before that reading is one of the best ways to explore and learn. We hope that you too can benefit in the same manner as we have and take advantage of this exciting offering.

Our 2nd workshop is on September 9. The Alitaptap Storytellers Club will be giving a crash course on writing for, and telling stories to, children. Snacks and lunch are on us. You have absolutely no reason not to come this time.

Best regards,

Dylan Yap Gozum / Editorial Director, BACKSPACE


The Writers Guild of SPi is proud and extremely honored to be host to the respected Alitaptap Storytellers Club this month of September. Founded in February 1999 at the Museo Pambata, it is a guild of volunteer storytellers whose mission is “to instill among children the love of reading and the appreciation of children’s literary art through storytelling”.

The workshop, a short course of what normally is a two-day exercise, will be done in an informal manner, with useful tips and 5-minute storytelling exercises designed to bring out the child in you – someone who loves stories and finds ways to creatively express these in the most animated way possible.

More than anything, the Writers Guild extends this invitation to all parents (saying “Good Night!” is never enough!) and big brothers and sisters whose siblings may benefit from your exciting stories than from watching senseless shows on television.

Help us bring back the ancient art of storytelling! Let us bring back creativity in thinking, artistry in style, and instill the craft of imagination in our young people.

Join us on September 9, 2006 from 9 AM to 5 PM here at SPi’s global headquarters. AM / PM snacks and lunch is on us. Please feel free to register via SMS. Type STORY_(name)_(SBU)_(email) to 0926.622.3359. See you there!

"If kids today do not read, there is no future for the local publishing industry."
- Manolo Silayan, PBBY Chairman and Alitaptap President, during the opening of the 27th Manila International Book Fair at the World Trade Center (August 30 - September 3)


SPi Employee Relations
Alitaptap Storytellers Club
Toastmasters Club of SPi

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


The Writers Guild of SPi is pregnant - with ideas, that is. This September, your Guild is launching a drive called Project R.E.A.D. (Reading as Exploration And self-Development). Loaned from several private collections, the Guild will be making available several titles for you to borrow, read, and share with your co-workers and friends! Discover the world that only reading can offer ! Read now! MAKE IT A HABIT!

Here are two books all SPi employees can borrow from us for the months of August and September:

by Paolo Coelho, author of The Alchemist

Starting this month, several books will be lent to anyone from SPi who may be interested in broadening their horizons by reading more great books.


1.) This book is owned by a private individual and has only been lent to the Guild. Please take care of it as if it were your own. Do not fold or write on the pages. A bookmark will be provided.

2.) Once you receive it, text us your name, SBU, and mobile number. When you pass it on to someone from within SPi only, text us his/her name, SBU, and mobile number. This way, we can track the book's location.

3.) The book must return to the Guild by the end of September.

Interested? TEXT US NOW!
Text 11_(your name)_(SBU) or ZAHIR_(your name)_(SBU) to 0926.622.3359 and let us know how you wish to claim the book. TEXT NOW! The world of reading awaits you!


Where is the book now? Text us NOW so you'd get the book next!

THE ZAHIR is currently with Phem Tipo of SPS. Mary Grace Reytiran of SPS follows.

ELEVEN MINUTES is currently with Mary Grace Reytiran of SPS. Are YOU next in line?


More photos in an earlier entry below.

Monday, August 28, 2006


You can click on the photos to enlarge them for better viewing.

We are writers, not models! Enough of the paparazzi!

The Writers Guild's SERIES OF FORTUNATE EVENTS kicked off with a blast last August 26 with Ms. Rica Bolipata-Santos, Ateneo de Manila Professor and Philippine Star columnist, gracing the event as our guest speaker. In attendance were a mix of SPi employees, several Toastmaster guests from around the metro, and 22 teachers from public schools supported by SPi's CSR Office.

The topic, Introduction to Creative Non-Fiction, is the first of a five-workshop series designed to make better writers out of its audience (Do we sense delusions of grandeur here? Hey, we're trying our very best!).

We, the WG Officers, take this opportunity to thank our ER officers Ivy Buenaventura and Dhang Rondael for their support; Via, Angela & Raymond of Corporate Communications for the timely release of our marketing collaterals; the FMG for the physical arranegements; the SPi CSR Office in what could be the beginning of a beautiful partnership (there's more to come pa po!); and all our participants. Special thanks to Espie Vitug and Perps Poblador for coordinating with Metro Manila Toastmasters clubs.

We hope to still count on you until the workshop series closes in December. Cheers!

ACTIVITY EVALUATION SCORE: Pending. Review still ongoing.

Rosemarie Teleron of HDI as she read her piece
Luz Desquitado of Journals shared a touching story to the group

Thoughts on the wall: What the participants brought with them, what they left behind, and what they expect to bring home after the workshop

Mary Grace and Phem from SPS seriously at work on their essays

Busy bees all: Writers Guild's Workshop Manager JP Canivel, Ms. Rica Bolipata-Santos, Guild Vice President Pia Manzano and President Dylan Yap Gozum. Not in photo is Poetry Editor Alexander de Juan
TM Espie Vitug is all smiles during the graduation rites
There's always a time for wacky moments...

All's well that ends well. 'Till the next workshop on September 9!

Thursday, August 24, 2006


Photo source: Wickipedia, probably by Boy Yñiguez (?)

CINEMATORAPHY: Roberto Yniguez
EDITING: Jay Halili
CAST: Gina Pareno, Soliman Cruz, Nanding Josef, Johnny Manahan, Jhong Del Rosario, Nico Antonio, Fonz Deza
PRODUCTION: Joji Alonso / MLR Films
MUSIC: Jerrold Tarog
DIRECTOR: Jeffrey Jeturian

One word immediately entered my mind when I saw this film: PANDEMONIUM. The clutter of shanties, the tight winding passageways that are littered with children, jobless men, and people who go about their lives as if it was meant to be lived the way it was depicted in the film – without direction, routinary, and full of fear and uncertainty.

The film revolves around the life of Amelita “Amy” Montemayor (Gina Pareño), a jueteng bet collector (“kubrador”). She leads a regular life but one full of risks. For someone in her position, this is exactly what “a regular life” means. Her day begins with a prayer to the saints and the Holy Virgin (“Sana hindi po ako mahuli ngayon.”), and after some shouting matches with members of her family, she goes out and does the routine of collecting bets and delivering them to the main collector, who brings these to a place where the winning numbers are chosen. Everything seems to be a study in contrast – some people are winners (a Wowowee segment show can be heard in the background), some are losers (the opening scene has another bet collector wearing an FPJ shirt that says, “Tuloy ang Laban!”).

The film opens and closes during All Saints Day – a mere three days in the life of Amy but full of luck (or misfortune, whichever comes first), accidental deaths, frustrations, dreams dashed to the ground, angst bursting at the seams. I am not surprised if people were either silently shedding tears or constantly shaking their heads in the comforting darkness of the theater. This is a film you wish to torture erring politicians with by making them watch it hours on end.

Kubrador is a well-thought piece of work although it tends to meander, rendering it too long and reducing its chances at getting an ending that is both effective and memorable. Most of its parts, however, are opportunities for self reflection because they are perplexing as they are tragic. As a society – and largely a Catholic one at that - it is a great wonder why we have allowed so many of our own people to be pushed against the wall and make them resort to risky means of getting a living. It would be interesting to find out the answers when we consider our own contributions as an individual – if there’s any, to begin with.

It’s not all sadness, by the way. In fact, Kubrador has it light moments. Despite the abject poverty, the family - and the sense of family – is still very much present. The funny moments are when Amy finds a numerical equivalent to every event or situation she finds herself into. Also, short appearances by some of the Philippines’ best theater actors – Soliman Cruz and Neil Ryan Sese (both appeared in “Ang Pagdadalaga ni Maximo Oliveros”) make for interesting viewing, and was that Gabby Eigenmann who was accidentally (and fatally) shot during a street altercation at the North Manila Cemetery? Gina Pareño, of course, is exceptional. She remains to be one of our underrated and oft ignored best actresses.

I read somewhere that Kubrador was the first film to be given an A rating by the Cinema Evaluation Board this year. How this will help the film at the tills is still questionable as most films given an A rating last year were commercial flops. The purist may assail me for wanting these films to do well commercially, but my intention is pure and simple: a commercial success means better chances of getting the film’s message across. And Kubrador’s message is important because it involves a life – or lives – that call for, and need help.

If anything, I got out of the movie house feeling a lot heavier – on the shoulders, I mean. While walking out of the quiet mall, the thought of Picasso’s
Guernica briefly entered my mind. This work features the impact of war on people. Mixed emotions, mostly of fear and anxiety, is written all over the subjects’ faces, but no one notices that on the bottom portion of the painting, a symbol of hope – a small flower – tries its best to emerge from the ensuing confusion and disorder.

I wish and pray for the same for Amy and the rest of us who fight our own little wars everyday. And that’s something I’d definitely put my bet on.

DYG, current Writers Guild President, used to be a film reviewer for Yehey!

For more reviews, read
here. See the official KUBRADOR blog and website here.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


There's a Doc in the House!
The Writers Guild takes advantage of several physicians working as SPi employees.

Doc, last month I was made to have my urine sample taken by my supervisor. I was told that it was a randomized drug testing procedure. Is this legal, and if yes, is it really required in the workplace?

Did you feel guilty the moment you were asked to take the test? :-) Yes, randomized drug testing in the workplace is legal. This is required by Republic Act 9165, otherwise known as the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002. The implementing guidelines in companies like SPi are based on DOLE Department Order 50-03, s. of 2003. Why is it required? Well, what can I say? It’s to keep the workplace drug free! Rest assured, however, that the results are confidential.

How true is the notion that most criminals we see on television “are on drugs?”

Let’s not generalize the population in the National Penitentiary. Some if not most of its inhabitants are not there because of drugs. To loosely use the term "criminals" would also include not only those in jail caught for use and possession of addictive drugs but also the police and the politicians. However, it is safe to say that most people you see on TV are on drugs especially the actors and actresses who wash their dirty linens in public. After all, who in their right minds would do that if they are not on drugs?

What are ‘uppers” and “downers”?

Uppers are any prescription or non prescription substance that is a CNS (Central Nervous System) stimulant, a common physical side effect of uppers are increased heart rate, anxiety, tingling and feeling buzzed.

Drugs such as amphetamines (speed), methamphetamines (shabu), ecstasy, ephedrine and pseudoephedrine are examples of these.

Downers are any prescription substance that is a CNS retardant. The common physical side effects of downers are decreased heart rate, feeling stoned, sedation, little or no reflexes, examples of these are barbiturates (tranquilizers), marijuana (hash), and opiates. Although I cannot fathom the reason as to why people would deliberately try to mush their brains when there are easier ways of getting those same feeling, you can also try some sports. When your credit card bill is due and it is enough to make you feel down, try resolving it by eating that ice cream flavor you been craving for to give you the "high" you badly need.

Dr. Jeanette Agati attended University of Sto. Tomas’ Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, and trained at the Research Center for Tropical Medicine (RITM). She currently is with HDI.

Do you have questions or health concerns you need answers to? Text MED_INFO (your question/s here) and send to 0926.622.3359 now!

DID YOU KNOW? SPi’s clinic is open 24 hours. Our resident physician is Geraldine Olarte, MD. She’s in the clinic between 8Am – 4PM. She is assisted by our friendly registered nurses Ladie Generales, Shirley Dar Juan, and Rio Tantiangco.

Friday, August 18, 2006


Please click on above poster to enlarge.

This promo is open ONLY to SPi employees.

Monday, August 14, 2006


The Writers Guild welcomes its two new Resident Poets. Here's a look at what they have in mind.

Photo by Dylan Yap Gozum (Baywalk, Manila)

My Little Angel

Watch over me from up the clouds
Where you are joined by all things that are good and nice.
Always remind me one way or the other
That I need to be good from the eyes of the One above.
I can't explain why tears are falling from my eyes
When I know that you're much more safer from where you are right now.
Guess that I'm always that selfish one
Who likes everything coming in his way.
Anyway, I'll try to be good. I'll even try to be nice.
Just promise me one thing:
I'll stay in your heart,
Just like you are in mine.
Goodbye for now my angel.

WIZE prefers to be known by his nom de plume. He is connected with SPi's Servisoft (SPS CAS).

Photo by Dylan Yap Gozum (Baywalk, Manila)


Isa kang yurak sa harap ng mga tao
Binabato ng mga kawangis mo
Dambuhalang mga impakto
Na nagbabalat-kayo.
Putikang mga paa
Ang sa iyo'y sumisipa't tumatapak.
Lamang mortal, kaluluwang hiram
Inihahagis sa ningas na impyerno.
Paos mong lalamunan
Lumuluwa ng pagsusumamo
Sa heganteng gobyerno
Na isa ring engkanto

"Laman ng isang paslit
Halinhinan mong dinuhagi
At dinurog ang anghel na budhi.
Ga-butil lang na bait
Ang sa paslit sumagip
Hininga'y di mo inipit
Matapos magpumiglas
Ang awang nalalabi"

Paano mo hahalungkatin
Ang kaban ng kapatawaran
Malalim na ibinabaon
At ipinagkakait ng inang bayan
Na iyong magulang.
Paano mo lulusawin
Masaklap na kasalanang
Sa iyo'y gumapos at kumunkon
Sa malagim na piita't
Hinihintay ng makamandag na karayom.

Ikaw ay mang-aapi ng isang inosente
Ikaw rin ay dinudusta ng mga disente
Mga buwaya sa silid na "air-con"
Nakangiti't bumebenta ng edukasyon
Kaya sa isipang bubot ikaw ay nakakulong
At naninirahan sa silong
Ng karunungang kakarampot
Kaya kaluluwa mo'y naging bulok
At sa katampalasa'y madaling naalok.

Ang lason sa dulo ng karayom
Ang totodas sa abang buhay mo.
Udyok ng makasalanang Palasyo
Na hindi kailanma'y umaruga sayo
Lunukin mo na lamang
Ang pait ng katotohanan
Na ikaw ay hikahos at isang karaniwan
Tigang ang utak, kapos sa laban
Di tulad nila, kasalana'y di mo matatakasan
Ikaw ay isasalang sa pangil ng kamatayan

Inabot mo na ang dulo ng iyong hininga
Di mo maihagis ang agam-agam
Na sumagupa sa iyong kaluluwa
Di ka makausad, naghihintay ng kasama
Hanggang sa masungkit ang mga tinig
Na umaalinagawngaw.
Ibinunbuga ng mga labing makasalanan
Nangagtatawa sa iyong kamatayan
Nagpayabong daw so korona ng katarungan.
Ikaw nama'y naaatat sa pagsipot
Ng mga kaluluwang mayayaman
Mga ganid na alaga ng pamahalaan
Na dumuduhagi sa buong sambayanan
At nagsisihalik sa kaban ng bayan
Hanggang kailan ka magihihintay?
Kailan... Kailan... Kailan?

Emil Bombita is a Journalism graduate of Bicol University. He is currently connected with SPI Legal.

Monday, August 07, 2006


(Please click on above poster to enlarge)

Workshop Title

Introduction to Creative Non-Fiction
A Series of Fortunate Events (Writers Workshop Series 2006)

Activity Date and Venue

26 August 2006 (Saturday), 9 am - 3 pm,
HDI Training Room, 4th Level, SPi Parañaque Building
If there will be more than 20 participants, the venue will be at the HR Testing Room.

Guest Speaker

Rica Bolipata-Santos
Fellow, 44th Dumaguete National Writers Workshop
Fellow, 1st International Creative Non-Fiction Workshop-Seminar
Reading Specialist, Sa Aklat Sisikat Foundation
Contributor, Philippine Star

Rica has contributed to some anthologies like 'Heights' and ‘My Fair Maladies’. Her first book is ‘Reflections of a Young Wife’, a book of non-fiction works published by Milflores.

Here is her short biography taken from her book –

Rica Bolipata-Santos earned her A.B. in Humanities and her Master’s degree in English Literature from the Ateneo de Manila University in Quezon City where she teaches. She is currently working on her Ph.D. in Creative Writing at the U.P. in Diliman, Q.C. She has published popular articles in local magazines and newspapers and scholarly studies in academic journals.

The author is married to Dino Santos, with whom she has three children: Teodoro, Margarita and Antonio. She is the youngest child of the artistic Bolipata family.


To introduce creative non-fiction, not as a new genre, but rather as a modern approach to personal essay/personal experience feature

To make the participants be aware that they are already writing creative non-fiction and therefore get advice on how to improve their writing


Essayists who want to widen their horizon

Feature writers who aim to have a good grasp of personal experience-writing

Beginning writers who would like to be informed about the basics of creative non-fiction

National-workshops hopefuls who need to know this latest addition in Dumaguete/UP National Workshops [Previously, national workshops only include Poetry, Short Story and Plays]

Other interested employees

Saturday, August 05, 2006


Welcome to BACKSPACE. As you can see, we've tried to fill up parts of what appears to be our 1st edition but this isn't enough. Our vision of having writers come together and make these ethereal pages come alive with stories, feelings and opinions will not become a reality if we do not have YOUR works published here.

1.) Who are we in need of?

It is the Writers Guild's official policy to not seek new members (to help us make exhibits, join our meetings, do the dirty work? No way!) but rather, invite writers and encourage them to write some more! We want you to have fun and find real fulfillment in writing and being published rather than bother you with meetings and what-nots.

Therefore, we are calling for writers to fill the following postions:

a.) OPINION Writers (3)
b.) REVIEWERS (food, film, books, music, theatre) - as many writers as possible
c.) POETS (at least 3 entries / poet / every month)

2.) How to write for us?

Get in touch with us by emailing us at or drop us a note at 0926.622.3359 (Globe) to express your intent. We'd be very happy to meet up with as soon as possible.

3.) What are the benefits of writing for us?

We all want to be rewarded for our efforts. We in the Writers Guild know this very well. Aside from being published here and read by your colleagues (and most writers delight in seeing their works published, we dare say), we offer scholarships to certain national writing workshops, and free attendance to educational sessions by well known writers in their frields here or outside SPi.

Currently, two (2) of our members are part of the year-long LIRA workshop in UP Diliman under the tutelage of the National Artist for Literature Virgilio Almario. You, too, can have this chance. The Guild also attends theatre productions in the Cultural Center of the Philippines staged by the Tanghalang Pilipino.

Pretty soon, we will be offering either 100% FREE or 50% discounted slots / tickets to watch the second (2nd) theater adaptation of National Artist for Literature Sionil Jose's THE PRETENDERS. Of course a review of the said play would be required for publishing :-) Also, works of poets which have been published here will become part of Banyuhay, our paperback literary journal to be released in 2007. What else can you ask for?

Write for us now! And see where your works can get you!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


We, the Writers Guild, with the Toastmasters Club of SPi, would like to express our sincerest gratitude to all contestants, participants, judges and adjudicators of the recently concluded FUN DEBATE (Fiesta Edition).

Special thanks go to outgoing TM President Perps Poblador for setting the ground rules of the show (she drew much lessons from last year's successful run), to incoming TM President Espie Vitug, WG VP Pia Manzano, WG officers JP Canivel & Alex de Juan, and to our hardworking Employee Relations Officers Ivy Buenaventura and Dhang Rondael.

We also would like to thank our partner EC Chairpersons for forming teams in their respective SBUs.

To the carpenters who did a fab job on the stage (which the Guild designed), maraming salamat po! Mabuhay po tayong lahat!